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The Hospital for Sick Children Pediatrics Research Day
May 15, 2024 | PGCRL, Toronto, Canada
🎉 Congratulations to Erica Stone and Marium Kiwan for being awarded the Undergraduate Research Award!
🎉 Congratulations to Dr. Joseph Jamnik for being awarded the Hugh O’Brodovich Scholar Award!
TARGet Kids! Presentation Schedule
Poster Session: 10:45am-1:15pm
Xuedi Li
Early childhood growth and school readiness: a longitudinal cohort study
Li X, Kahane A, Keown-Stoneman CDG, Omand JA, Borkhoff CM, Lebovic G, Maguire JL, Mamdani M, Parkin PC, Randall Simpson J, Tremblay MS, Vanderloo LM, Duku E, Reid-Westoby C, Janus M, Birken CS, on behalf of the TARGet Kids! Collaboration
Marium Kiwan
Describing the patterns of cardiometabolic risk among children 3 years of age and older in the TARGet Kids! Cohort
Kiwan MY, Stone E, Li X, Keown-Stoneman CDG, Anderson LN, Maguire JL, Birken CS
Joseph Jamnik
Yearly change in child zBMI during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: a cohort study
Jamnik J, Rajkumar A, Keown-Stoneman CDG, Anderson LN, Maguire JL, Birken CS for the TARGet Kids! collaboration
TARGet Kids! Poster Presentations
Pediatrics Research Day 2024 Photos

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