Completed TARGet Kids! Studies
Completed (recruitment has ended):
Among healthy children aged 1 to 5 years, daily administration of 2000 IU of vitamin D compared with 400 IU did not reduce overall wintertime upper respiratory tract infections. This does not support the routine use of high-dose vitamin D supplementation in children for the prevention of viral upper respiratory tract infections
Fit for School, Fit for Life
There is a relationship between 24-hour movement guidelines around physical activity and sleep and how ready kids are for school. Early lifestyle interventions around screen use and sleep would be beneficial and help prepare kids better for school
Research article: Association Between Physical Activity, Screen Time and Sleep, and School Readiness in Canadian Children Aged 4 to 6 Years - PubMed (
Introducing infant cereal at 4 vs 6 months was associated with greater risk of obesity, and less favourable eating behavior. The findings support recommendations for introducing solid food around 6 months of age